Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Italy Series: The Roman Forum

Basilica Nova

Once upon a time (good lord, it was almost ten years ago...TEN!), I took a humanities course wherein we spent two and a half hours learning about this single building.

Read "The Roman Forum as Cicero Saw It"

Once upon another, very similar, time, Paul took a "Golden Age of Rome" course wherein he spent an entire semester reading Cicero.

Home of the Vestal Virgins

Therefore, there's a 99% chance that we were the two most excited people within a fifty mile radius of the Roman Forum on the day this photograph was taken.  Also, this post is really difficult for me to create without typing out very, very, very long, explanatory (with links!) captions to everything.

Temple of Vesta
It's physically painful for me, actually.  I want to tell you all the things!  But I won't.  But....I might still include links (in the photo captions)... I need some kind of outlet, people!

Temple of Caesar (where Julius Caesar's body was burned)

Because, you know what? The Roman Forum was awesome.  And I'm not saying that in a surfer-dude kind of way.

The arch of Septimus Severus (remember how we saw his palace on the Palatine Hill?)
and the triumphal Via Sacra (think of it like the Macy's parade route of the ancient world...but instead of balloons there were, like, thousands of captured slaves being forcibly marched in front of battle chariots? So...fun...right?  ...)

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